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Why Dollhouse Diaries?

Why is my blog titled Dollhouse Diaries?

Though I presently work full-time in the real estate industry, my full-time job about six years ago was in the dollhouse miniatures business.  Over ten years ago, I started working for a dollhouse shop in Greenwich, CT.  I was already a big dollhouse/miniature enthusiast and it just so happened that a job opportunity came up at this adorable retail shop and I happened to be perfect for this job.  The job required someone who is great with people (me), had a lot of experience in the retail business (me), thoroughly understood the meaning of 'customer service' (me again) and who had the creativity and artistic ability to help create wonderful miniature displays and even build some of the custom 1:12 scale dollhouses for both new and old customers of the store (this is SO me).  Anyway, I left my very boring job I had at the time for my new dream job and it was wonderful.  Finally, I had a job where I absolutely adored what I was doing and I looked forward to going to every day.

After a couple of years working for this store, I finally decided I really wanted to start my own online business.  I created a website and started to watch my business grow.  At first, I tried out selling online on e-bay, but soon, I realized how much it was costing me to do that, so that's when I decided to design my own website and hopefully find ways to drive traffic to my online store.

Well, years went by and I started selling more than I had available to sell.  I love(d) it (I still do own the website, the online store and the miniature business I created), but low and behold, being myself, and a Gemini who is into adventure and constantly changing her mind and wanting to pursue different things, I decided though I still wanted to keep my retail (or shall we say, e-tail) business, I was still eager to get into real estate.  My Mom was in real estate and interior design for many years and I always found the real estate industry to be interesting.  Though many people at the time were getting out of the business, I decided I wanted in so that's how I came to be in the profession I am now (and still keep my other business on the side).

So, for the patient folks who are still with me and waiting eagerly to hear the answer to the question in the title of this blog, here it is...I created this blog with the idea of posting all kinds of information and fun stories pertaining to my dollhouse miniature business.  This was way back in 2007, but seeing as I was making some major changes in my life at the time, I just never got around to writing, but I always loved my blog title and kept telling myself, I'll get to it!

Now, years later, I suppose I could still write about my dollhouse miniature business, but I have other things I want to write about, too.  In fact, I have a whole long list of ideas.  I think maybe I'll make that my next post.  Future blog post please, stay tuned!


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