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I just thought of another resolution for 2013 and feel compelled to write.

Ever feel the need to keep certain things that you basically KNOW you will never use?  I definitely have had countless items which fall into this category.

One of my resolutions this year is to either give away or throw away at least three items every single day and no, I don't mean a used tissue or Q-tip (gross)!  Of course, I always throw that type of thing of in the garbage immediately.  What I'm referring to is the not-so-attractive bowl that I keep because I've had it so long that I've become so used to its ugliness and I've forgotten that I bought that bowl for $2.00 at a garage sale MANY years ago when I was a poor struggling college student who barely had enough money to pay the rent for my apartment (even uglier than the bowl I'm parting with) which sported a gold and brown shag area rug and considering I was in college in the late-1990's, this was clearly hideous in every sense of the word, and I'm sure you can probably understand seeing as two decades had passed since this style proved to be the trend.

Anyway, this is exactly the type of item I tend to keep around.  Why?  I don't know - maybe I form some kind of weird attachment to items.  Perhaps the garage sale where I purchased this bowl for $2.00 was a great memory - I was in the company of friends who I now miss and it was a beautiful sunny day in Colorado (sun being scarce these days seeing it's the middle of winter and I live in New York), and maybe I feel if I were to part with the bowl, I would lose the memories that go along with it.  This may be true, but I can't simply hang onto every material item that has a nice story behind it unless my goal in life is to appear on the next episode of Hoarders!

Therefore, I hereby vow to throw away such merchandise that is impractical, useless and just plain ugly!  It's getting to all of these little items that's going to prove difficult, but I promise to at least do my best!

Have any of you thought of your New Year Resolution(s) yet?  Would love to hear some of them - and please don't say it's to go to the gym every day and to eat healthy.  Take my word for it - this never works unless you're that type of person already!  No, I'm just kidding (sort of).  Maybe it can work...out there...somewhere...for somebody.


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