Oh my poor lonely blog, without a blogger to care for it....shame on me! This is a typical Gemini, or A.D.H.D. behavior rather, that I often exhibit. It's called toobusytocareism . It's true! I have just been too busy to pay any attention to...ME. I love to write, but I also love all of the life events that I've endured over the past SEVEN YEARS if I'm doing my math correctly. I began this blog ages ago - when I was recently married and not yet a Mama. I was still quite busy with work, lots of cats and my Mister, who we'll keep anonymous - at least for now. We were living in that gorgeous Queen Anne style Victorian in Amenia, New York, when I had started my beloved blog. Well, it lasted less than one full month - the blog that is - not the house, relationship, etc.! The marriage is still going strong (at least most days) and the house to the best of my knowledge still stands as well, but we don't live in it, which brings me to my...
I'm feeling MUCH better since my last post, but that flu was brutal! I was sick for almost two weeks. We're off to Vermont this morning and bringing two of our cats, L'il Munch and Molly, with us! I'm bringing my camera and will share pictures upon my return. I would love to post in my Blog while up in the mountains, but believe it or not, I have no cell service up there and no Internet! Talk about going back in time... Don't worry, we do have water and electric. I'm not feeling THAT adventurous to part with such luxuries as hot showers and light!